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A look at the magnificent armour made for Henry VIII to wear at the greatest and most romantic tournament that ever took place, the Field of Cloth of Gold.

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A full suit of armour holding a poleaxe
Henry VIII's foot combat armour, 1520 (II.6)

The Athletic King

Consider Henry VIII as a chivalrous hero. Banish all the images of him as a fat, bloated, lumbering, bad-tempered, cruel king hurling meaty bones at his dogs. Imagine instead, a tall, muscular, fit king who took part in tournaments and was particularly good. He complained when he did not have good enough opponents and scoresheets survive that show he was a very good jouster.

We know what Henry's physique was like in 1520. He was 29 years old, 188 centimetres tall (six foot, two inches) and very athletic. Amazingly, a suit of armour has survived that fitted the King as close as a second skin. It is on display in the Tournament Gallery, at the Royal Armouries Museum in Leeds. It brings Henry VIII back to life better than any portrait. This suit of armour was made for Henry VIII to wear at the Field of Cloth of Gold.

A full suit of armour
Henry VIII foot combat armour (A9.162)

An amazing feat of engineering

There is no chink in this armour. It completely encloses his body front and rear. It was made for fighting on foot in a tournament. The armour is also 'tailored' in the latest fashion of the period. This can be seen in the steel-foot defences called sabatons. Their broad shape around the toes follows the 'bear paw' shoe that we can see in contemporary portraits. The large cod-piece is also a fashion statement, not a boast.

This armour is an amazing feat of engineering. All the parts lock together with internal turning joints. The helmet rotates on the collar which is bolted to the back and front of the cuirass (chest defence). The gauntlets and sabatons fit under and over the cuff and ankle defences respectively. A fully articulated breech-piece encloses the rump. The armpits, the inner elbows and the rear of the knees have inner lames each linked to the next without a gap.

It is very rare for an armour to completely enclose the body. There is no other armour in the Royal Armouries collection like it. This is because of the consequent additional weight of all those extra plates. The armour weighs 42.6 kilograms (approximately 96 pounds), which is twice the weight of a normal battle armour. Only a fit and strong man such as the young Henry VIII could have worn such an armour.

One small last detail to note - the armour was not quite finished. The right neckguard has not been fitted and the armour was described as still being 'black from the hammer' almost a century on. Why? Read on.

A print of a parade of men on horseback and foot making their way to a castle
‘Le Champ de Drap d’Or’ [The Field of Cloth of Gold] 18th century print (I.224)

The Field of Cloth of Gold

The Field of Cloth of Gold was a tournament at which more than 150 French and English courtiers, including Henry VIII, King of England and Francis I, King of France, jousted, tourneyed and fought on foot. The Field of Cloth of Gold was named after the magnificent (and very costly) cloth of gold pavilions that embellished an otherwise drab setting in the Pale of Calais. Cloth of gold is a textile woven with a weft of gold and a warp of silk. The 'Field' was one of the most extraordinary tournaments of the period.

The tournament proper began on Monday 11 June and lasted for eleven days. The three main forms of the combat were the tilt (jousting over a barrier), the tourney (mounted team event) and the foot combat. Tilting was the predominant form of combat, lasting over a week. The object of course was to break a lance on an opponent, and for this purpose rebated (blunt) lances were used. This did not, however, prevent injury - one French knight died tilting against his brother.

The last day of the tournament was given over to the foot combat at the barrier. In this contest the combatants were separated by a long bar erected across the length of the field. They fought first with spears and then with large swords. The swords were rebated. Some fought with the two-handed sword which was optional as it was deemed dangerous.

Tonlet armour holding two handed sword
Tonlet armour, 1520 (II.7)

A second armour

In the Royal Armouries Museum, there is, strangely, a second armour made for Henry VIII that was for use at the Field of Cloth of Gold. It was made at the Royal Greenwich Workshop and is also a foot combat armour, but it is very different. It is distinguished by a tonlet (deep skirt) and a great basinet (helmet). The armour shows signs of being hastily assembled using elements from several earlier armours drawn from store. Why?

The first fully enclosing foot combat armour was made for fighting within an enclosure (like a boxing ring) with a pollaxe (staff-weapon). The second foot combat armour was for fighting on foot over a barrier with a big sword.

A full length suit of armour with a skirt and sword
Tonlet armour, 1520 (II.7)

Why did Henry VIII have two different armours for foot combat?

The answer is that the French King Francis I changed the rules. It had been agreed that the foot combats would be fought within the enclosure and Henry had his wonderful articulating armour made. Only three months before the tournament, Francis decided that the foot combats were instead going to be fought over the barrier wearing armour, using weapons that kept the combatants further apart, which required a new style of armour.

The Field of Cloth of Gold became a byword for chivalry and extravagance. All those who were lucky enough to be there were amazed and astounded by what they saw. They described it with enthusiasm and the story has been passed down through generations to today.

Find out more about Henry VIII's foot combat armour in our Collection Online record

Find out more about Henry VIII's tonlet armour in our Collection Online record


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