- Chevalier d'Eon's sword - inscribed 'Donne par la Chevalïere d’Eon à son ancïen Ami Geo: Keate Esquïre. 1777'. translated as 'Given by the knightess of Eon to her old friend George Keate Esquire 1777'
- 'Ball's patent' anti-garotting pistol from Belgium - a belt mounted pistol designed to be fired at close range if attacked from behind.
- The guns of James Bond - examples of real guns of those featured in the films featuring the character James Bond.
- A presentation pair of Colt Model 1861 Navy revolvers presented to Mark Firth of Thomas Firth and Sons, Steelmakers, Sheffield. It is inscribed: 'To Mark Firth Esq. from President Colt's PFM Co'. Firth supplied Colt with steel.