We cannot accept all donations and our collecting policy determines what type of gifts we can accept, or it may be that we already have an object which is the same as the one you wish to donate.
Before donating
If you are considering donating an object to the Royal Armouries, please contact one of our curators before visiting, so that they can offer some initial advice.
This will ensure:
- Someone can meet you if you bring the object to us
- We can advise you whether our museum is the best place for your object
- Offer you advice about which other museums or institutions you could approach
You should also:
- Make sure that the object you are offering us belongs to you
- Or that you have evidence that the owner has authorized you to offer us the object
If the donation is a legacy from your will you should:
- Seek professional advice from a solicitor to ensure the legacy meets your personal circumstances
After donating
If we accept the object we will ask you to sign a deposit form to record that you have delivered the object to the museum.
We will then go through our internal approval process to agree that the object can enter the collection. Once this is complete you will be sent a Deed of Gift to formalise the donation.
Advice for bringing objects into the museum
- Please ensure you contact a curator before visiting, so that they can offer some initial advice
- If your object is a weapon you should check, before bringing the object into the museum or travelling with it in public, whether it is a prohibited weapon or needs a licence. Contact your local police force for advice.