Access to the Library reading room is strictly by appointment and pre-booking is essential.
Opening times
- Monday* - Thursday
- Morning: 10am to 1pm
- Afternoon: 1:30pm to 4:30pm
* Please be aware that during term time the museum is closed to general visitors on Mondays, but staff will welcome pre-booked visitors to the Library Reading Room at the main entrance.
- In order to provide a COVID-safe Library service we require that all visitors pre-book a morning or afternoon session. Access for the whole day can be arranged subject to availability. Visitors without pre-arranged access will not be permitted entry.
- To book please email library@armouries.org.uk.
- Our Library staff will contact you to confirm your booking; please do not make travel arrangements until you receive confirmation of your booking.
- Browsing the shelves in the Library reading room is permitted, but please request as much material as possible in advance of your visit. The Library catalogue can be found online: library.royalarmouries.org.