- Daily Event
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Daily Combats

Royal Armouries daily live combats demos.
See our expert live interpretation team bring to life authentic combat techniques during our daily live combat demonstrations.
Event Info
See our expert live interpretation team bring to life authentic combat techniques during our daily live combat demonstrations. With a variety of different combats on every day, there is plenty of history to discover. Example demonstrations for visitors to enjoy include:
- Watch knights duel as they demonstrate the challenges of medieval longsword fighting
- Discover how 16th century armour was worn as our men-at-arms prepare to demonstrate foot combat
- See Romans vs. Celts as mighty warrior cultures clash with sword, shield and spear
- Learn how the legendary Japanese Samurai ‘first draw’ sword attack was developed
Each demo lasts approx. 10-15 minutes, plus time for visitors to handle objects, ask questions and meet our live interpreters.
There is no need to book tickets and all our demos and shows are free.
Find out the time and location of our daily combat demos when you arrive at the museum. Seating is available and is on a first-come, first-served basis, please arrive in plenty of time to see the daily combat demos.
We usually have combat demonstrations every day, however due to staff sickness we may need to substitute for our popular talks and character-based shows at short notice. However, there will always be live interpretation activities for our audiences to enjoy.