The Board of Trustees and the Senior Management of the Museum recognise that legal requirements for health and safety set only a minimum standard. We are committed to achieving best practice in health and safety wherever possible.
It is the policy, therefore, of the Museum to: –
- Provide healthy and safe working conditions for all employees, to carry out risk assessments and comply with relevant statutory requirements.
- Conduct its activities to minimise risks to the public.
- Provide appropriate information, supervision, training, and personal protection, so far as is reasonably practicable in each case.
- Monitor inspect and audit health and safety to ensure its effective management and continual improvement throughout the Museum.
The Director General and Master is responsible for the implementation of the Health and Safety Policy.
- All Directors, Heads of Department, Managers and Supervisors are responsible to the Director General and Master for health and safety within their areas through the management line.
- The Board of Trustees and the Director General and Master will ensure that, within the resources of the Museum, appropriate provision is made to enable the Museum to fulfil its health and safety obligations.
The Museum Health and Safety Policy is supplemented by Local Policies and Procedures within Departments, which are regarded as extensions of the Health and Safety Policy.
Heads of Depts. are responsible, within their areas through the management line, for ensuring that health and safety policies and information are circulated to all employees, contractors, and other visitors, as appropriate.
All employees, contractors and other visitors are required to co-operate and comply with the Health and Safety Policy in addition to discharging their own individual responsibilities for health and safety.
Each site of the Royal Armouries Health and Safety Committee meets regularly to consider all aspects of health and safety and to recommend changes in procedures and update policies as appropriate.
The Royal Armouries will consult with recognised trade union representatives and employees through the Museum Health and Safety Committees.
The Royal Armouries encourages staff to make suggestions for the improvement of health and safety, through the management line or trade union representatives.
The Health and Safety Policy and associated procedures will be reviewed, and if necessary revised, regularly and when changes in circumstances or legislation dictate.
Signed by: Nat Edwards, Director General & Master of the Armouries.
Date: 12/12/2022
Related documents
Health and Safety Policy (PDF, 269KB)
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